Bid on a Gold Lindt GOLD BUNNY Autographed by Michelle Williams until 3/20!!!
The sixth Lindt GOLD BUNNY Celebrity Auction launched March 10 in support of Autism Speaks. This year’s auction has more than 60 actors, athletes, supermodels, chefs, singers and other top personalities who have lent their signatures to the cause by autographing porcelain Lindt GOLD BUNNY figures. All of the bunnies are auctioned off online at LindtGOLDBUNNYAuction.com from March 10-20, with 100 percent of proceeds benefiting Autism Speaks.
Michelle Williams auction ends on March 20th. >>> BID HERE <<<

Brazil love u #Michelle
Bid on a Gold Lindt GOLD BUNNY Autographed by Michelle Williams until 3/20!!!: The sixth Lindt GOLD BUNNY… http://t.co/kO3Wic4RDq