Michelle Williams Thank you for sharing your talent! The world has only gotten a taste of what you can do. Your talent has no limits! This site is all because of you and what you have accomplished over the years. We love and support you!!! We have been with you for years now and we will continue for years to come. We are so excited for the future and look forward to the new projects you have lined up.  You are an inspiration to us and that if you work hard, dreams you didn’t know you had can come dream. Please continue to be humble and inspiring. You have so much more to give to the world.

Phil Thornton, Light Records & Entertainment One Music Thank you for believing in our vision and being a supporter of our fansite for Michelle Williams.

Team Michelle (The Fans) TeamMichelle we did it! We are so appreciative and happy that you all have stuck with us all these years. You all entrust us as your #1 fan source of all things Michelle Williams. We hope to continue to reach, inform, and cater to the fans. Thanks so much for your continued support! There are great things to come!